Don’t you just love food?
I do. For a million reasons.
Some things about food I love…
How it makes me feel (except when I don’t like how it makes me feel)
How it looks (except when I’m in a rush and ‘splat’ the food on the plate – nah even then I love it)
How it tastes (unless it’s burned, seasoned incorrectly, under/over cooked – you know)
How it smells (see above parenthesis note)
How creative I can be with it
How it manages my weight, energy levels, sleep cycles (which can be good or bad depending…)
How the right foods can be delicious and help you improve your skin, your sight, your GI operations (if you know what I mean), your brain function and fight cancer and other illnesses you don’t even have yet!
I mean really. What I choose to feed my kids and family each day NOW can potentially ward off illnesses in the future? Even when they’ve flown from the nest? I love that!
Back to my list…
How it brings people and families together
How you can grow it yourself if you want to (which I love to do also – in small manageable quantities!)
And the list goes on…
Now don’t get me wrong. Some days, I hate it. Some days I’m out of ideas, inventory, energy, motivation, time. I gaze pitifully at the fridge praying something appears besides pickles, peanut butter, and ketchup. It doesn’t. I stare into the freezer wishing I had frozen leftovers. I don’t. I have a headache, the kids are arguing over Curious George vs the Avengers on NetFlix, my husband comes home from work starving, the dog needs to go out, the phone is ringing, the flowers and garden need watering, someone selling magazines is at the door, and there I sit in the midst of it all wishing we didn’t have to eat thee meals and (two snacks) EVERY. SINGLE. DAY!!!!!!! And I scream to myself – I HATE THIS!
That’s take out night.
Yet…even after food and I have a big fight…..I still love it!
So I want to share some of my choice meal ideas with you. I figured we can compare notes and see where it takes us. I get a real kick out of variety, simplicity, and taste bud tickling flavors and foods that are quick and easy to prepare. Maybe you will too. I’m not a professionally trained chef. I’m not a nutritionist or dietician (however I may add one in the future if you guys are interested) and this is not a food blog alone. Just a Mom choosing to share some food things that work for me that I thought just might work for you too…
Let me know what ya think too because I love to hear from you so I can learn some more!!!!!
So much to share….hmm. What should I choose first?
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