So I was just minding my own business, pulling into our driveway, and stopped to get the mail out of the box and what did I see (besides the mail, I mean :o))??
Look friends! It’s Daffodil sprouts! February Daffodil sprouts! Little green shoots bursting forth from the dreary, gray-brown, dried out, frigid soil as if to say –
“Hang on! Spring is on the way!!”
…which is an enormously hopeful and welcoming message for us as temperatures dip into the single digits and the snow continues to mount up on all my friends up north!
Even here in NC they’re calling for a wintery mix of snow and ice tonight…which of course requires all children out of school two hours early before the predicted snowfall even begins.
Yep. That’s right. Before we even see a flake, the kids are out.
I know.
…but these daffodil sprouts, with their promise of Spring coming ’round the bend, somehow lessen the impact of a wintery weather projection for me and brings a little sunshiny-ness to the day – in spite of the heavy, gray, snow laden clouds above – and I was hoping it might just do that for you too (smile)!
And for those of you who love snow, and all those kids out there who are just dying to play in it (like mine) – just think! You get a twofer!
Welcome Spring! I’m keeping my eyes peeled for ya!
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