Guys! I gotta share this with ya!
It’s a quick family video. Featuring – DOLPHINS! Yep! Loads of them!
I was making dinner at the beach, minding my own business, when I happened to glance outside and see all these fins arching their way across the sound.
Now if you’re like us – anytime we see wild dolphins doing what they do – a complete feeling of utter awe and appreciation floods our psyche. It feels a little like getting the chance to experience a teeny bit of the the lives of Flipper and his gang or something.
They are so beautiful to see – graceful, shimmering, sleek, and intelligent creatures that fill me and my family with wonder and awe. We just want to reach out and touch them!
I’ve heard they’re also a great sign that sharks are likely keeping their distance, as they tend to avoid pods of dolphins…and that(if true)…made our dolphin sightings that much more magnificent, especially this year!
We see them frequently off the coast of Emerald Isle – both sides of the island. They arc out of the waves in the ocean and…sometimes…when the light and wave height is just right…you can catch them swimming INSIDE the arching wave.
So. Cool.
Other times, like this one, they’re in the sound, as they seem to follow some type of traffic pattern past our place, and we run to grab the binoculars (fighting over who gets them of course) and watch mesmerized as they swim by.
I must tell you however, this time was the absolutely MOST AMAZING dolphin sighting we’ve been blessed to experience so far. We’ve never seen this many dolphins at one time (must have been 30 to 40 in all – no lie), and this was the first time we actually saw several baby dolphins breach right out of the water! Watch carefully – you’ll see one check out Jason!
They played and played, and after I yelled to the “fam” to come quick, I was off to the dock to get as close as I could with my binoculars, thrilled because they were really close this time.
Jason and the boys grabbed their kayaks and paddled right out to see them (with me screaming “remember they’re wild animals boys!!!“) and that’s how we got this family footage off the iPhone (where’s the dang Canon with the right lens when you need it!!!).
They stayed around our place for a long while, playing and frolicking and splashing and eating and swam right by the kayaks to check out who was inside. We could even hear their blow holes spouting and some of their squeaking dolphin speak! See if you can hear it on the video too!
I’m still marveling at what an amazing interaction with nature we all got to share. The boys will never ever forget it and neither will I!
Hope you like the video!! You may want to enlarge to full screen and set your You Tube settings to HD for the best viewing….
And stay tuned! We’ve filmed a great salmon thing for you…just waiting for the edits to get in place and we’ll get it out to ya! YUM!
Til then – live happy!
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