Can’t make everything from scratch all the time right??? So you innocently buy jarred pesto – ya know – just to have on hand to top pasta, chicken, fish, veggies for a quick meal or side??? You’ve done it many times before…so convenient, so easy…
Usually, I shake the jar to mix up separated ingredients…
Thankfully this time, I chose to stir.
My dear friends…I beg of you…always, always stir!!!!!!!
Unless of course you’re family likes eating something like this!

‘What is it!’ you ask? Could it be a giant lump of Parm cheese??
Mix, mix…
‘What in the heavens is it???’

Turns out it’s some type of waxy paper wadded up, sealed in the factory, fully submerged and simply drowning…in a BRAND NEW jar of pesto, ready for the store shelves and my unfortunate shopping cart!
Now that’s Value Added my marketing friends! Real value added.
So please…
My dear, dear, readers…I repeat…please…stir your store bought sauces!
This has been a public service announcement brought to you by your friends at Laura’s Choice.
Luv ya!