Hi Guys!
Holy cow – it’s FEBRUARY!! How in the world did that happen!
My dear readers and friends…I must confess. The truth is this hot, creamy, cheesy concoction was supposed to be posted in January for you, but low and behold – life happened. And so here we are the first of Feb and I’m finally getting this out…luckily it’s still cold outside and this meal is still drooling-ly delicious! Please forgive :o)!
So…let me ask. Is there anyone who doesn’t just love macaroni and cheese? My kids practically dive in and so, ahem…does Jason! However, being a stickler for veggies and lots of protein, I just feel a bit chintzy serving it plain as a main dish dinner – so I always use whole wheat pasta and add in ham, broc, and cheesy tomatoes…and just YUM! Plus you know with all those complex nutrients, dinner will last in their little tummies longer…hence no bedtime snack requests on this night!
Cream cheese creams this up beautifully and the parm adds a bit of a bite that just intensifies the flavor. This three cheese blend is warm, creamy, cheesy, and not too tangy for my kiddos tastebuds – but bursting with layers of flavor – and we all just gobble it up.
It’s a frequent meal in our home during the winter months and I always love getting the “YEA!!!” when I answer the “what’s for dinner” question!
Hope y’all enjoy it as much as we do! Thanks for visiting and please – if you like, SHARE!