…So it’s Monday. The alarm goes off at 5:30. Not my favorite thing as I much prefer getting up around 7:30. You? Well…one morning down, four to go…
I never did mind the little things.
Time to make three breakfasts, three lunches (umm…the smell of turkey at the crack of dawn), and clean up. Gulp down a cup of cold coffee, check weather, get myself ready, check email, get the kids ready, get everyone out into the Minivan (on time) with all they need for school. Oh and add to that my oldest’s procrastination issues – “I don’t CARE if we only have five more minutes!” and my youngest pinpoint focus on making his bed just perfectly (yes! he’s like that), never mind he’s still in his underwear and needs to brush his teeth...we don’t hold school on your ‘bottom’ bunk kiddo!!
And then there’s that fifteen minute drive in traffic to the car line (and back), practicing our Math Facts (some) until we arrive at the school ‘house’…
I never did mind the little things.
Then it’s to laundry leftovers and another load for today – because a day without laundry is like a day without sunshine – not! The fish tank needs cleaning again as we have EIGHT (yes 8! WAA-haaay too many) huge goldfish in a ten gallon tank. The cat and dog need a trip to the vet. Time for a termite inspection. Gotta get to Costo cause we’re out of milk, cereal, bread, chicken and gas for the week. Did I mention I’d love a shower?
I never did mind the little things.
Some lady cut me off at the intersection and some guy took my WAY. CLOSE. PARKING SPOT. Well go ahead. Maybe you need it today more than I…
Sheets need washing, beds need making, dinner menu needs planning (oh no! Grocery Shopping!), blog needs blogging – and there’s the ebook I’m desperately trying to get together – but husband needs listening, teachers need meeting, library’s calling…books overdue. Again.
I never did mind the little things.
I’m late. The dog needs a walk. There is a piano lesson this afternoon. A dentist appointment and oh yea – the dry-cleaning!! I scalded my hand – OUCH! I missed the mailman. Joseph is into another tantrum. Homework needs doing. “Mom when can Ethan come over???!” Late fees. Oil changes. Family drama. It’s raining.
I never did mind the little things. This is my Mantra.
My go to phrase that I use each day when things overwhelm me. Whatever ‘things’ they are – it doesn’t matter. They overwhelm. They depress. They demoralize. They work to squash me into a cranky, cynical, frowning, anxiety laden, wrinkled, monster of a mom, wife, friend…and I’m determined they WILL NOT WIN.
I’ve got my mantra and it helps me keep them at bay.
That and a lot of prayer friends – a lot!
I got the phrase years ago from a movie with Bridget Fonda called Point of No Return. Have you seen it? It’s an old one. Back when I used to go to movies…sigh.
Anyway…Bridget’s character is desperately trying to maintain composure and not get killed by another assassin so she repeats a little phrase she learned “I never did mind the little things” as a pretty gruesome act takes place right before her, which buys her time and helps save her life.
Now, I’ve never been remotely close to anything like that (and I sure hope you haven’t either!), so I figure if it’s good enough for Bridget, it’s good enough for me.
And you know what? It works! I even taught it to my kids to say to themselves if they’re fighting, or someone at school is mean, or a game or toy is lost, or it’s just turning into a rough, time out sort of day.
I never did mind the little things.
Because we’re all blessed with so many other things, that come from even just living on this beautiful planet, that really deserve our focus. You know your list. And when I focus on the negative, annoying stuff, I MISS ALL THE GREAT, BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING, WONDERFUL stuff that surrounds us each and every day.
…like the bluebird that flew past my car window this morning who looked magnificently self-illuminated in spite of the dreary, gray, cold morning sky. Really. He was just beautiful!
I’ve found I get what I look for in this life. If I focus on the good that’s mostly what I find. But when I let the ‘turkeys’ get me down (so to speak), I miss stuff I wish I hadn’t and who wants that??? Not me. Laura’s Choice? Live Happy! And I mean it.
What sorts of things do you do to keep that beautiful chin of yours up? Please share!
And thanks for stopping by! Luv ya! I really do.